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Writer's pictureRio Gutierrez

Torch Height Control (THC): A Secret to Consistent CNC Plasma Cuts

We at FastCut CNC know you crave clean, consistent cuts on your CNC plasma table. We're talking about those cuts that make your projects pop and leave your clients speechless. But let's face it, achieving these results is no easy feat. Material warps, the cutting bed isn't perfectly flat, and – boom! – your perfectly planned project goes south.

That's where Torch Height Control (THC) steps in – your secret weapon for conquering inconsistency and taking your CNC plasma cutting game to the next level.

What is CNC Plasma Table's THC and Why Is It Important?

Torch Height Control is an automated system that keeps the plasma torch at just the right height above the material you're cutting. Now, you might think it's a minor detail, but trust me, it's a total game-changer for so many reasons!


Keeping a consistent torch height makes a huge difference. It gives you cleaner cuts with hardly any dross, which means less time spent on post-process cleaning. Plus, each cut ends up being super precise, so you get better finishes and save on material. Win-win!

Consumable Life

Did you know that keeping your tools at the right height can save you some cash? It's true! By doing this, you prevent consumables from wearing out too soon, which means they last longer. So yes–fewer replacements and lower overall costs for you!


Imagine not having to spend ages fiddling with settings and instead, focusing on the actual cutting. With automatic adjustments, you get just that! This means more productivity and smoother operations, with way fewer chances for human error.

If you're serious about CNC plasma cutting, you really can't do without one. Investing in a solid THC system can seriously up your game by improving your workflow, boosting the quality of your output, and saving you money in the long run. It's all worth it!

Types of Plasma Torch Height Control Systems

Ohmic Sensing

Ohmic sensing THC systems work by using electrical conductivity to locate the material's surface. Imagine the torch touching the material and completing an electrical circuit—this signals the control system to adjust the torch height.

A super accurate method–but keep in mind it can be thrown off by things like surface coatings, rust, or other contaminants.

Voltage-Based THC

Voltage-based THC systems keep an eye on the voltage between the plasma torch and the material. By keeping the voltage steady, they maintain a specific torch height. This setup is awesome for cutting materials with uneven surfaces because it adjusts on the fly.

Capacitive THC

Capacitive THC systems use the dielectric properties of materials to measure distance. They might not be as common, but they can be super effective for specific tasks, like cutting non-conductive materials.

How THC Maintains Optimal Cut Height on Uneven Materials

One of the biggest challenges in CNC plasma cutting is dealing with irregular or warped materials. Here's where THC truly shines.

Dynamic Adjustment

As the table moves, its system is constantly on the lookout, always monitoring and tweaking the torch height. It makes sure there's always the perfect gap between the torch and the material. So, even if you encounter any warps or say uneven spots, you still get that consistent cut quality.

Getting Better Accuracy

Ever worried about messing up a cut? By keeping the torch at a consistent height, THC helps you out big time. It reduces the risk of either cutting too deep or not cutting through the material at all. This kind of precision is super important if you want to produce high-quality parts without having to do any rework.

Reduced Dross

Want cleaner edges and less cleanup after your cuts? Keep your torch height just right! This simple trick minimizes dross or slag on the underside, making your work look sharp and reducing the hassle of post-cut cleaning. Give it a try!

Setting Up and Calibrating THC on a CNC Plasma Table

Now that we understand the importance of THC, let's walk through setting it up and calibrating it on your CNC plasma table.

Initial Setup

  • Install the THC Hardware: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to set up the THC unit on your plasma cutter.

  • Connect Sensors: Hook up the sensors needed for ohmic, voltage-based, or capacitive THC systems.

  • Software Configuration: Set up your CNC software to recognize and communicate with the THC system.

Calibration Process

  • Zero the Torch: Begin by zeroing the torch to the material surface to establish a baseline height.

  • Set Initial Parameters: Enter the recommended voltage or height settings based on the material type and thickness.

  • Perform a Test Cut: Do a test cut to check the initial settings.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Watch the cut quality and make small tweaks to the THC settings as needed.

  • Fine-tuning: Keep testing and adjusting until you get the desired cut quality.

Regular Maintenance

  • Check Connections: Make sure all electrical connections are tight and clean from any corrosion.

  • Update Software: Always keep your CNC software and THC firmware up to date.

  • Clean Sensors: Clean the sensors regularly to avoid any false readings.

Troubleshooting Common Torch Height Control Issues

Even the best THC systems can encounter issues. Here’s how to troubleshoot and fix some common problems:

Dealing with Inconsistent Torch Height? Let's Fix It!

First, check your grounding. Poor grounding can mess with your THC (Torch Height Control). Make sure your workpiece and plasma table are properly grounded. It might seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference!

Next, take a look at your sensors. Sometimes dirty or damaged sensors can give you wonky readings. Give them a good clean, or replace them if they look too far gone.

Erratic Voltage Readings?

First things first, check your cables. They shouldn't be running next to power cables because that can cause some nasty electromagnetic interference. Just separate them, and you should see some improvement.

Next up, recalibrate your THC system. Sometimes, it just needs a little tweak to get those voltage readings back on track.

Torch Not Moving or Responding?

First off, double-check your CNC software settings. Make sure the THC is enabled and configured properly. Sometimes it's just a little setting that needs tweaking! Next, inspect the torch movement system. See if there are any obstructions or mechanical failures. Sometimes a simple check can save the day!

Dealing With Too Much Dross?

Make sure your torch is at the right height. If it's too high or too low, you might get poor cuts and a lot of dross. Find that sweet spot! Then, take another look at your speed and amperage settings. If they're off, it can mess with your cut quality. Give them a tweak if needed.

Mastering Torch Height Control With FastCut CNC

Here at FastCut CNC, we provide top-of-the-line THC systems designed to integrate seamlessly with our CNC plasma tables. Let’s cut through the noise and create something extraordinary together!

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